Every organization wants more sales leads and finding ways to generate new leads can be a daunting task for some. At Intelemark, we’ve found that focusing on engagement is a great way to move leads through the pipeline. But how do you go about engaging your leads? We do it by sharing valuable, targeted content that provides valuable insights no matter where they are in the buying process.
Engagement matters
Countless brands are competing for your leads’ attention (have you seen what happens in an internet minute?) and you need to ensure that your message stands out. That’s why you should proactively engage your leads, not just nurture them.
Think of lead engagement as a more sophisticated version of lead nurturing. Whereas you once sent leads generic collateral according to a standard schedule, engagement requires you to send them customized content that aligns with their critical business issues.
You can customize content according to a lead’s industry, position in the buying cycle, or even specific issues that only affect that lead. As a result, you help leads perform their own due diligence and arrive at a well-informed buying decision. They’re also more engaged with your brand, see you as a both a resource and a valuable insight, and are predisposed to buy from you instead of your competition.
Intelemark knows lead engagement
In our experience, engaging your leads improves sales performance. That’s why we offer Intelesend, an interactive lead engagement platform, which makes it easy to share custom content with leads and prospects.
Contact us today to learn more about Intelesend and start engaging your leads!